Protect Car Paint from Line to Lot with Protection Film
The automotive industry is finally starting to get back into rhythm after a rough few years of pandemic-related supply chain issues. While backorders and backlogged parts were the norm for a long time, the chain seems to be moving at a brisk pace in recent months.
But the industry isn’t out of the woods yet, and suppliers at each step need to protect their investments. Even minimal losses could lead to massive disruptions down the line, so everyone must stay vigilant and proactive. One of the most susceptible elements of automotive parts is car paint, which can scratch, scuff, and peel relatively easily.
Protect car paint from the factory to the showroom floor with cost-effective, quick-applying protective films. Here’s everything you need to know about this supply chain solution and why it can have such a huge impact.
Why Protection Matters for Car Paint
Sometimes, damaged parts and materials are unavoidable. Accidents happen all the time, and you can’t control every aspect of the supply chain. However, just because damages are accepted as part of the process doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do everything to protect your assets.
Car paint is what the customer sees first. Repairing damage and scratches can be expensive. Here are a few reasons that an investment in protective film for car paint can save you significant time and money in the long run.
Supply Shortages
Even in 2023, shortages are still a stark reality for many automakers and suppliers. Yes, companies like Toyota are posting record sales and making record numbers of vehicles, but the chain is not running at 100 percent.
So, even minor damage to car parts can have a ripple effect throughout the chain. With such high demand and limited supply, automakers can’t afford to lose a fraction of their inventory. If even only a few car parts need repair or re-painting, that could lead to longer delays and more significant disruptions.
Another side effect of a strained supply chain is that the costs for repairs are also going up. Paint jobs and bodywork are becoming more expensive, so suppliers are working with tighter margins all around.
Customer Satisfaction
As a rule, customers are accommodating and understanding when things go wrong. However, when the pressure is this high, expectations are far stricter than ever before. Dealerships can’t sell damaged inventory, so everything has to look perfect when it arrives at the lot. Otherwise, customers may take their business elsewhere.
Longer Downtime
Disruptions to the supply chain cost a lot more than just the damage to the part itself. Longer wait times can also cost companies money since they have to retain workers during slower periods. So, the more parts that need repair because of paint damage, the greater the secondary costs. Even a few parts can balloon into an unsustainable business practice.
Which Automotive Protection Film Works Best to Protect Car Paint?
Ensuring long-lasting and pristine car paint is easy with versatile and resilient protective films. No matter where your business is in the supply chain, you can benefit from the three types of films below.
Paint Protection Film (PPF)
Whether it’s the chassis or a passenger door, paint protection film is designed to be both easy to use and highly durable. Best of all, because it’s so thin, your clients won’t even notice it’s there.
This film helps reduce wear and tear, including scratches and scuffs, to a car’s paint job. Since it’s so easy to apply, there’s no reason you can’t add it to every part that ships from your warehouse. Plus, it’s residue-free, so when your clients or customers peel the film off, the paint looks as brilliant as it does when it was applied.
Anti-Chipping Tape
Road debris can be a huge problem, particularly for parts of the vehicle closest to the ground (i.e., the bumper). Anti-chipping tape can repel debris like rocks and sand and keep the paint pristine underneath. As with PPF, this tape is easy to apply and doesn’t leave a residue. Plus, you can add it on top of PPF for extra protection for the most valuable components of each vehicle.
Wheel Protective Film
Although the wheels aren’t painted, they’re still part of the visual appeal of the car. Plus, the wheels endure the most wear and tear since they touch the ground at all times. This film not only helps the wheel look incredible from the factory to the dealership, but it also helps prevent other issues like punctures, rusted hubcaps, and more.
Keep Your Auto Parts In Better Shape With LINTEC Automotive
Car paint protection film is a valuable investment. A little time and money upfront can prevent expensive (and lengthy) repairs down the line. When every component matters to your bottom line, it makes sense to protect everything as much as possible. Contact LINTEC Automotive to see how our films can help protect your business.